Your support changes lives. Support for ACT makes safe spaces possible.
As a registered charity and non-profit organization, we rely on the generous support of individuals, companies, foundations, and government bodies to make a difference in people’s lives.
ACT Alberta is a dedicated team of professionals who are committed to ending human trafficking in Alberta. Our staff struggle to meet the increasing demand for victim services, education, and training.
Champions of Human Rights
When you support ACT, you are championing human rights, autonomy, and the freedom for individuals to chart their own course.
Victims and survivors of human trafficking have the right to escape their abusers, heal from their trauma, and live a life free of exploitation.
Support That Changes Lives
When you donate to ACT Alberta, you:
Connect victims and survivors to the resources they need to get out of a dangerous situation.
Invest in training and educational programs that raise awareness and prevent human trafficking in Alberta.
Support invaluable research around human trafficking.
Empower your community to respond to trafficking through collective action.
Thanks to your generous donations and funding, our impact is stronger than ever.
Neeta Chakrabartty
Carey Collins
Laura Dick
Timothy Dooley
Susan Ferner
Brenda Frederick
Tamara Rose
Kara Henry
Danielle Jenks
Donors and Supporters 2022-2023
Kimberly Lam
Susan Loewen
Chelsea Martin
Marlene McNaughton
Andrea Penonzek
Shoshawn Poplaw
Kate Price
Gary Nissen Fund at The Calgary Foundation
Marian Rossiter
Stela Sabo-Watson
Neil Schulte
Colin Stebner
Trinity Baptist Church
Justine Turner
Elise Usunier
Cindy Ward
Operational and Project Partners
Adara Hair & Body
Matthew Baden
Sabrina Baker
David Barer
Anant Preet Singh Bedi
Bone N' Biscuit
Jessica Brandon
Andrea Burkhart

Want to support ACT Alberta?
Learn more about how you can help end human trafficking in Alberta and beyond.
Direct supports to victims and survivors of human trafficking
Human Trafficking 101: Community Member Essentials participants
Highlights of our 2023 Program Impact
Basic needs supports for individuals who experienced some form of exploitation
First Defense
Participants who attended tailored training sessions
New clients (identified trafficking victims)
Outreach participants