
ACTING NOTES: patient appears anxious and pauses to look over to her boyfriend before each response. The ‘boyfriend’ actor has been instructed to interrupt you at times.

[Respond after the intake nurse asks about your chief complaint and medical history]


I’ve been having these sharp pains every time I have sex. I try to be as safe as possible, but don’t always use a condom. It’s hard sometimes, you know, I’m not perfect. I’m wondering if maybe I’m pregnant? I want a test just to be sure. I’ve had chlamydia and gonorrhea before but they gave me meds so that should be gone, but you never know with some of these guys…

[You will then be moved to an exam room with the SART Team. They will try to separate you and your boyfriend so one of them can privately screen for human trafficking.]

Once separated, SART will ask you a screening question: [Feel free to respond however you would like, but eventually disclose that he makes you have sex with other men for money and that he takes all of it.]

After validating your disclosure SART will ask what you would like to do next: [Express that you do not want law enforcement involved, but want help leaving the situation]

[SART will safety plan with you and end the scenario]